Garden & Green Team
Lapham Garden and Green Team
Our garden is an outdoor classroom and community garden that strives to:
- Encourage exercise and healthy eating through first-hand experience growing and tasting fruits and vegetables
- Expose students to hands‐on environmental education opportunities including sustainable living and conservation techniques
- Connect students to the natural world inspiring an appreciation, awe and respect for nature – and to have fun in the process!
- Offer students experiential garden-based learning activities and encourage the integration of garden activities into classroom curriculum that supports Common Core State Standards wherever possible through our Gardener-in-Residence Program
- Build community within our school by offering spring and fall community work days, picnics and potlucks; hosting special school events like open houses; inviting our after school program to utilize the garden; and giving Lapham-Marquette families priority in our "Adopt-the-Garden-for-a-Week" summer program
- Build community beyond our school's walls by designing a garden that offers wheelchair and stroller accessibility; inviting summer school and scout programs to utilize the garden; inviting our neighbors to participate in our"Adopt-the-Garden-for-a-Week" summer program; growing food and donating it to neighborhood food pantries; and providing a relaxing, fun, educational garden for people of all ages and mobilities to enjoy!
Learn more about Lapham's Outdoor classroom & Community Garden by visiting our website and the Lapham Garden and Green Team Facebook page.